Sunday, July 18, 2004

On napping

So we all woke up today around 8:30-ish. Jane took David downstairs while I showered. Immediately after I came down, we had a monumental diaper to change - but Jane was in the shower so I braved it solo. Worked out with minimal damage. Then I ran out of things to do, so while waiting for Jane I took David for a walk down to the grocery store to get the Sunday Globe.

He was pretty good - so fascinated with the surrounding world that he didn't spend the whole time begging to be carried.

After we came back and joined Jane, we decided on a plan of action for the day. Jane'd bought a swing for $7 at the consignment store the other day, with the goal of putting it on Greg and Mary's swingset so that the kids could share better. So we dropped it off, and let all three kids play for a little while before leaving (we're going back this evening for a barbecue, weather permitting). Then came a trip to BJ's for supplies - the impulse buy of the day was a new pet waterer for upstairs. I'd considered it before but never quite had the motivation, but ours was truly foul and the one we got was real cheap.

So on to the main point of the day. David had a lot of fun while we were out, but he was obviously running out of gas by the time we returned. He was given a little bit of food which was mainly ignored, but started screaming his head off when he realized he was nap-bound. Apparently being out of it is no good reason to nap.

I put the screaming boy in bed, and a few minutes later heard him banging on the door and assorted other things. We let the moment pass, and finally about 10 minutes ago I went to check on him. I assumed he was on the floor instead of in the bed.

I was correct. However, he and Bear were sleeping soundly on the floor, but the rest of the room looked like Scott Weiland had been staying there in the middle of a two-week cocaine bender. It was trashed - stuff out of drawers, toys all over, his towel somehow removed from the high door hook and stuffed under him, and all sorts of scattered debris.

Luckily, he didn't stir when i moved him into bed, and he stayed put while I tidied up a little. I'm expecting him back among the living by about 6 or so.

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