Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Updates a comin'

Apple released the first Tiger update last night. MacOS 10.4.1 fixes a number of bugs, including the one that caused really sluggish VPN performance, and the really nasty one that caused data corruption when working with sparse images. They also updated the video drivers, though Quartz 2D Extreme is not yet enabled by default. I expect that to come in another release or two (after all, it's a core feature of Tiger). I installed the update on my Powerbook guinea pig last night, and have no issues to report so far.

As I write this, the server version of 10.4.1 hasn't been posted yet, but I'll be trying that as well the minute it's available. There's enough bugs in the release's mail subsystem that I've gone back to the original SME box for the moment, though I do have the website up on Tiger now (it's serving the jhturiel.net domain for me). I'm slated to do my first Tiger Server setup tomorrow in Boston for a client who is going to be deploying it with a single processor Xserve G5 and an Xserve RAID. Fortunately, the major use of Tiger there will be as a simple AFP server and to run Retrospect, both of which are fine with Tiger now.

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