Thursday, March 11, 2004

Current events

Today, I picked up my business' brochures at Kinko's this afternoon. I did the design myself - they look pretty good for an amateur. Kinko's prices are pretty reasonable for this stuff, and they do the tri-fold without a huge premium.

I also finished wiring up the office today - I put six cable drops in the wall behind my servers (in the training room), with four going to the other wall of the room and two going into my office. That'll accomodate everything nicely. After I test out the connections and label them (tomorrow, I hope), I'll finally take home my tool chest that's been there since moving weekend. I also have to make a couple of customer phone calls.

Tonight in bowling news - I caught fire in our third game and bowled a 133 - my all-time high score. My old high was in the 120s a year ago. It also ties two other bowlers in the league for season high. If I could have converted the spare in the last frame I could have had it all to myself. Wah.

But it was gift certificate night (a mall gift certificate goes to the bowler on each team who is highest over their average), so I took that home for my trouble. First time that's happened. So between that and the Linksys AP, it's been a lucky week for the Joshster.

Hopefully it carries over into the rest of my life. That would be quite good. But I'll settle for it carrying over to Saturday night. I'm going to a bachelor party that night and we're headed to Foxwoods. So if I still have the luck then, I'll be rich when I get home. Cool.

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