I know, you're all disappointed I went OTA for the last few weeks. Sorry. Anyhow, it's been a hectic few weeks here - I hired another person last week, had a couple of office crises to manage, and a big deployment for a new client. All has gone pretty well, shockingly. But I think I'm at my growth limit now. Granted, I've said similar in the past, but four people is about the most I can manage singlehandedly.
Tech-wise, the problems with Leopard and wireless seem better, though not-quite solved yet. I hadn't blogged it before, but Leopard has a habit of dropping wireless connections at inopportune times. I noticed yesterday that my MacBook Pro was still trying to run the Intermapper daemon even though I'd removed it in the move to the new system. So that was slowing things down and, I think, helping to mess up wireless as well. The new firmware for Time Capsules and AirPort Extremes (along with AirPort cards) seems to help, but I'm holding out hope that 10.5.3 will make even more of a difference.
My in-laws are in town for the week - I'm ducking them for a couple of days for the most part in order to minimize the chance I'll give them the cold I just am getting over. Passing it along wouldn't be a great idea.
I mentioned this before, but soon my office website will get an overhaul. Some new stuff, an updated look, and a Wordpress blog. Most of my technical blog posts will move there and just get a link back to here once that happens.
The eeePC has been handy. Still undecided on whether I'll run mainly Windows or Linux on it, though. I like the simplicity of Linux but the networking is really a kludge.
Also - I spent Tuesday at a Microsoft training event (I had to leave early, though), where I was given copies of Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008, and Vista Ultimate with SP1. Second prize was apparently two copies of Vista. I have finally installed Vista on a Parallels VM as a clean install, though, so I can get more hands-on time with it. I still see no deployments likely in the future, though. SBS 2008 is still forthcoming a ways down the line.